Directive 2001/95/EC (19) on general product safety (GPSD) has set up the Rapid Alert System (RAPEX) which is used for dangerous non-food products between Member States and the Commission. Under certain conditions, RAPEX notifications can also be exchanged with non-EU countries.

In the case of serious product risks to the health and safety of consumers in different Member States, the GPSD provides for the possibility for the Commission to take temporary Decisions on Union-wide measures, so-called ‘emergency measures’. Under certain conditions, the Commission may adopt a formal Decision requiring the Member States to restrict or prevent the marketing of a product posing a serious risk to the health and safety of consumers. RAPEX has been extended by Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 to apply to all harmonised industrial products irrespective of the final user (i.e. professional products) and to products posing risks to other protected interests than health and safety, for example risks to the environment.

Further information is available in the Blue Guide.


  • RAPEX statistics
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    RAPEX statistics


    Weekly updated statistics on products that do not comply with the New Legal Framework legislation. 
    Number of non-conformities per EU product legislation based on RAPEX (Rapid Alert System for dangerous nonfood products).

    Written on Tuesday, 21 April 2020 13:36 Be the first to comment! Read 4570 times Read more...